Family Law Services in Queens: Modifications & Enforcement
Queens Attorneys: Safeguarding Your Legal Rights
Modifications and enforcement actions are two of the most common family law actions. A modification is a legal action that seeks to change a court order. Enforcement is a legal action that seeks to require a party to comply with a court order. Modifications are often filed to modify child support or spousal support orders and enforcement actions are often filed to enforce custody or visitation orders.
At Markfeld Law, P.C., our attorneys understand how stressful and overwhelming these types of cases can be. We are dedicated to helping our clients obtain favorable outcomes and legal solutions. We understand the law and we understand family. We are here to help you.
Contact our firm today at (718) 569-8618 for trusted family law guidance. Reach out onlineto begin!
Child Support & Spousal Order Modifications in Queens
Modifications may be filed to modify child support or spousal support orders. These orders may also be modified to change custody, visitation, or other orders. There are many circumstances where a modification may be warranted, including:
- A change in income
- A change in lifestyle
- A change in the child's schedule
- A move
If you need to file a modification, our
experienced family law attorneys can help you navigate the process. We can draft the necessary paperwork and represent you in court. Additionally, we can review the current orders and work with you to identify how the circumstances that necessitated the modification have changed.
Whether you are filing a modification to change child support or spousal support or another order, our experienced family law attorneys can help you navigate the process. We can draft the necessary paperwork and represent you in court. We can also review the current orders and work with you to identify how the circumstances that necessitated the modifica
tion have changed. We will work with you to identify the relevant changes in circumstances and discuss how these changes will impact the orders.
Enforcing Family Court Orders in Queens
Enforcement may be filed to enforce custody or visitation orders. Orders may also be enforced to require a party to comply with a specific provision in a custody or visitation order. For example, if a parent does not comply with a visitation schedule, the other parent may file an enforcement action to force compliance. There are many circumstances where a party may need to file an enforcement action, including:
- A parent is not complying with a visitation schedule
- A parent is not returning the child by the scheduled time
- A parent is not allowing the other parent to speak to the child
If you need to file an enforcement action, our experienced family law attorneys can help you navigate the process. We can draft the necessary paperwork and represent you in court. We can also review the current order and work with you to identify how the circumstances that necessitated the enforcement have changed.
At Markfeld Law, P.C., our attorneys are dedicated to helping clients obtain favorable outcomes and legal solutions. Get in touch with ustoday for effective enforcement action assistance.
Meet Our Attorney
Helping You & Your Family Through Challenging Times-
Natalie Markfeld
Founding Partner