Queens Spousal Support Lawyer
Dedicated Alimony Attorneys Committed to You
Spousal support can play a critical role in helping individuals carry on with life post-divorce. An equitable alimony arrangement can help both parties maintain the same quality of life after divorce that they enjoyed while married, allowing them to pursue new opportunities and get a fresh start.
Unfortunately, alimony battles are often contentious. Whether you're the payor or recipient in a spousal support dispute, having an experienced alimony attorney by your side is vital. Our Queens alimony lawyer helps clients throughout the Bronx, Queens, Manhattan, Nassau, and Suffolk Counties pursue genuinely equitable spousal support arrangements.
We work with clients throughout New York City. Contact us online or via phone at (718) 569-8618 to arrange a consultation with our team.
Types of Spousal Support in New York
There are four distinct types of alimony in New York: permanent, temporary, rehabilitative, and restitutive.
- Permanent alimony has no end-date. Permanent alimony is relatively uncommon, and typically occurs when two partners are elderly, have been married for a significant amount of time, or one party is incapable of achieving financial independence.
- Temporary alimony has a defined end-date. Often, courts award temporary alimony to help an individual obtain financial stability during the divorce, and cut off temporary alimony either when the divorce is finalized or shortly after.
- Rehabilitative alimony has a defined end-date like temporary alimony. Courts award rehabilitative alimony to individuals who need financial support while they pursue financial independence (either by attaining a job or getting the necessary education to find employment). Rehabilitative alimony is common in marriages where one spouse acted as a stay-at-home partner or parent during the marriage and needs some time to find employment or education post-divorce.
- Restitutive alimony helps repay a spouse for financial contributions they made to the marriage. For example, let's say that a woman pays for her husband's medical school under the assumption that the husband will support the family once he becomes a doctor. However, shortly after the husband receives his doctorate, the couple start a legal separation process. The court might order the husband to pay restitutive alimony, repaying his ex-wife for the capital she spent on his med school.
The type of alimony you receive depends on the details of your case. An experienced alimony spousal support lawyer can help you fight for the best alimony arrangement given your circumstances.
Factors Influencing the Duration & Amount of Spousal Support
It's important to remember that the point of alimony is not to reward or punish spouses. Alimony is only awarded when it has been proven that one partner cannot provide for themselves or maintain the same quality of life post-divorce they enjoyed during the marriage.
The court considers a variety of factors during alimony cases, including:
- Both individuals' source and amount of income;
- The current or future occupations of both parties (including non-financial roles, such as raising children or taking care of the house);
- The individual ages as well as the physical, emotional, and mental health of each former partner;
- The length and duration of the marital union;
- The accumulated assets and debts which were collected throughout the extent of the marriage;
- The amount necessary to care for any children whom the parties share;
- How much each party contributed to the marriage (both financially and through other means such as childcare, housework, etc.).
Get the Support You Need: Contact Our Queens Alimony Team
If you're navigating an alimony dispute, you deserve a lawyer who will support you and act as a fearless advocate for your best interests in and out of the courtroom. You can trust our team at Markfeld Law to provide you with the care and compassion you deserve.
Contact us online or via phone at (718) 569-8618 to schedule a consultation with our experienced Queens spousal support lawyer.

Meet Our Attorney
Helping You & Your Family Through Challenging Times-
Natalie Markfeld
Founding Partner